
Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the U.S. Statistics have shown it is the number one drug of choice for teenagers.

Physical and Psychological Effects

When marijuana enters into the bloodstream, it acts on the brain and nervous system. Marijuana alters perception of reality, distorting the way the user's senses work, as well as distorting the user's sense of time, space, and self. Even after just one use, marijuana chemicals can be seen in the brain 3 to 6 weeks later and can be detected in a drug screening.

Regular use of marijuana can cause a person to use more and more of the drug to achieve the same effect. At continuous high dosages, some people become dependent on it. When they stop using it, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, nervousness, and changes in temperament.

Physical Risks

Social Risks

Mental Health and Behavior Risks